
This virtual space is a place where I can share all of the great projects and artists that have taken on "environment" as a theme in their work. As I do research for a project of mine called Uncovering Food & Health, Altar of Awareness, that looks at the food we eat and how that has impacted health, especially in minority communities, I am finding more and more that I want to share and remember here. My project draws from Dia de los Muertos, as a hope to speak to my own Latin community about health, food, and the environment.

See the link below for more information.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Pothole Gardener

The Pothole Gardener puts plants in unsuspecting places bringing nature and beauty to otherwise overlooked cracks & potholes.
"I don’t and never have claimed to be the first Guerrilla Gardner, or even the first pothole gardener for that matter – there are loads of examples of similar projects on the Guerrilla Gardening website, pothole gardening seems to date back to a school group in the USA four years ago and there have been various other similar projects."-p.g.


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