
This virtual space is a place where I can share all of the great projects and artists that have taken on "environment" as a theme in their work. As I do research for a project of mine called Uncovering Food & Health, Altar of Awareness, that looks at the food we eat and how that has impacted health, especially in minority communities, I am finding more and more that I want to share and remember here. My project draws from Dia de los Muertos, as a hope to speak to my own Latin community about health, food, and the environment.

See the link below for more information.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Center for Urban Pedagogy

CUP is an education organization that works with youth to answer big questions about environment and places. They work with professional artists, researchers, and designers to gain information and research about the specific projects that they facilitate.

The project, Chew On This, 2006, asks "Where in the world does our food actually come from? How does its journey to our plate affect our environment and quality of life?"
"Students in four environmental science classes at the Heritage School worked in spring 2006 with CUP Teaching Artist Amanda Matles to explore the global flows of food. The class investigated the sources of their favorite snacks and the resources required to bring them to East Harlem. Other activities included a blind taste test with organic and regular foods, a visit to a local farmers' market, and a foraging expedition in Central Park. Finally, the students produced a 48" x 72" poster to introduce others to the edible environment."


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